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ok, you fixed the bug, now everything looks cool. But now there is no challenge, and after a few minutes, almost all the green cells disappear - only the bad ones remain and you are left in a hopeless situation.

And the menu looks too blurry. Although most likely this is due to the fact that the game is in a web format

It's normal, I have the same problem

Did not intend to have the cell creation when mouse click :), removed it from the new version, should be uploaded!

Hey, nice art, but It's okey? And is it normal that i create new cell, if i clicked the mouse?

My first question: if i become very big, all cells becomes white. I dont know, why photo won't uploading

Heya, both creation of new cells upon mouse click and the cells flashing white were left overs I put it to help me debug the collisions and interactions which I had forgotten to remove! 

Uploaded a new version which has no longer has these

Thanks for checking it out!